What I've been working on

browse below

US States Preconditions & Responses on SARS-CoV-19 Progression
Guidance: Dr. Steven C. Wofsy, Ms. Ju Chulakadabba

Worked with: David Hacker, Ariana Dalia-Vlad

Final PPT
Investigating mechanism to prevent tumor-induced T cell senescence by targeting tumor metabolism
Guidance: Dr. Guangyong Peng, Ms. Lan Huang
Final Poster Abstract
Genomic analysis of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus and identification of novel candidate toxins
Guidance: Dr. Dapeng Zhang, Ms. Yongjun Tan
Skin Dictionary
Course: Introduction to Computer Science (CS50)

Webapp to recommend skincare products given selected symptoms and allow users to compare various products

Github Video
An Introduction to the Skin Microbiome and Acne
Course: Skin Freshman Seminar (FRSEMR 51M)
Guidance: Dr. David Fisher

Exploration of current research in skin microbiome, host-metabolite and microbiome interactions in acne, deep learning approaches

Paper Final PPT
Principal Component Analysis: A COVID-19 Case Study
Course: Vector Calculus & Linear Algebra (Math 22A)
Worked with: Serena Cai, Alvin Yao

Linear algebra introduction to PCA, focus on applications to optimize study of SARS-CoV-2

Paper Notebook
Preventing melanoma development by manipulating pigment levels
Course: Intro to Biology, Chemistry (LS1A)
Guidance: Ms. Julia McCreery

Proposal to test how ratio of eumelanin to pheomelanin affects melanoma risk and development

Proposal Final PPT
Playhouse: Show Companion App
Worked with: Wendy Yu, Nicole Arraya, Wittman Goh

Created high-fidelity prototype for Playhouse, an app to aid virtual performances for plays, musicals, concerts, etc. Designed ~10 fully prototyped screens

Skin Dictionary Website

Created high-fidelity prototype for CS50 final project, Skin Dictionary, including full style guide. Designed logo, favicon, ~8 screens and layouts for Flask templates

HCAP Conference Website
Worked with: Jonathan Yuan, Lauren Chen, Nadine Meister

Transferred website from Wordpress to Wix, re-developed style guide, I created and implemented new designs for Harvard Conference, Past Conferences pages

Personal Website

Created high-fidelity prototype for this website, including full style guide. Designed logo, favicon, ~5 screens, along with more interesting and responsive options to be implemented in the future

HODP Mask-ne Article
Guidance: HODP, Asher Noel
Worked with: Katie Liu, Jamie Lu

Surveyed over 80 undergraduate students at the College about their skin pre and during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, mask usage, skincare routines to analyze the prevalence of mask-ne

Final PPT Notebook
Skin Dictionary Extension

Idea: Create a hub for skincare, including information on skin physiology and active ingredients in skincare, expand diagnosis capabilities, include CV for uploading images for diagnosis, push to actual domain

Reach out if interested in helping!

Mood Journal Website

Idea: Create a website that allows users to track down thoughts and feelings through text input, encrypt to protect users, use NLP/NLU to assess mental health, visualizations with d3

Reach out if interested in helping!



SARS-CoV-2 modeling
citrus greening disease toxins
boosting efficacy of immunotherapy


skin dictionary
principal component analysis
skin microbiome & acne
pheomelanin synthesis on melanoma


playhouse: show companion
HCAP conference
skin dictionary
this website :)


hodp maskne study
skin dictionary extension
mood journaling