Worked with: David Hacker, Ariana Dalia-Vlad
Final PPTCreated high-fidelity prototype for Playhouse, an app to aid virtual performances for plays, musicals, concerts, etc. Designed ~10 fully prototyped screens
FigmaCreated high-fidelity prototype for CS50 final project, Skin Dictionary, including full style guide. Designed logo, favicon, ~8 screens and layouts for Flask templates
FigmaTransferred website from Wordpress to Wix, re-developed style guide, I created and implemented new designs for Harvard Conference, Past Conferences pages
SiteCreated high-fidelity prototype for this website, including full style guide. Designed logo, favicon, ~5 screens, along with more interesting and responsive options to be implemented in the future
FigmaIdea: Create a hub for skincare, including information on skin physiology and active ingredients in skincare, expand diagnosis capabilities, include CV for uploading images for diagnosis, push to actual domain
Reach out if interested in helping!
ContactIdea: Create a website that allows users to track down thoughts and feelings through text input, encrypt to protect users, use NLP/NLU to assess mental health, visualizations with d3
Reach out if interested in helping!